The SGSSS is committed to providing high quality advanced training (AT) in research methods to postgraduate students in the social sciences. Our Advanced Training programme are a series of 12 events, hosted at most of the Scottish universities, throughout the year. They usually last a day, with advanced training in quanitative skills, qualitative skills or theoretical approaches in the social sciences. These sessions are open to post-doctoral students at any Scottish institution of higher education irrespective of their funding.
All events are free to attend, and we can reimburse travel if the training is located more than 30 miles from your home institution.
In developing the Advanced Training programme, we look at students’ Training Needs Analyses aiming to fill gaps you have identified. We collect these from your institution and also use them to inform our Summer School programme. If you have ideas for a session, please get in touch and we will try to include it.
There are a large number of research methods out there, many of which have emerged in a relatively short time, yet it’s often the case that researchers stick to methods that they are familiar with, or avoid pairing their methods in new ways. Our video series ‘When Methods Meet’ brings together pairs of academics for short, focussed discussions of the potential for two methods to be used in combination. In some cases academics used our invitation for such a dialogue to highlight their use of more unusual methods and the benefits and challenges they encountered in doing so.
Each film has a downloadable transcript of the conversation, complete with references, recommended readings and seminar questions for those who may be leading teaching/learning activities or for self-directed study.
We would like to acknowledge and thank our funders, ESRC and Scottish Funding Council, for making the ‘When Methods Meet’ project possible.
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Scottish Graduate School of Social Science, proudly funded by