Jenn Glinski, an ESRC-funded student researching economic abuse partnered with the Royal Bank of Scotland through the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science’s Innovation Internships Scheme to look at how banks can better respond to financial abuse.
Case Study: PhD internship delivers first UK-wide study of demand for old-age care
Target Fund Managers collaborated with SGSSS through its Innovation Internships Scheme to recruit a PhD researcher to help the company understand what the ageing population will mean for the residential care sector.
Case Study: Improving person-centred care communication in health and social care settings
Case study Improving person-centred care communication in health and social care settings PHD STUDENT:Natalia RodriguezUNIVERSITY:Heriot-WattCOMPANY:Healthcare Improvement Scotland In January 2019 Healthcare Improvement Scotland welcomed Natalia Rodriguez to undertake a 3 month internship. Natalia is studying for a PhD with a focus on interpreting in mental healthcare settings at Heriot Watt University. During her time at […]
Evaluation of Skills Development Scotland’s Apprenticeship Wellbeing Survey
Each year, Skills Development Scotland takes on a number of PhD interns – people studying towards a PhD in Scotland who take three months away from their main research to take part in a paid research internship. The work that they do might be part of a larger body of work and could go on […]
Who cares for the carers? Contributing to the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016
Lilian Kennedy, a PhD student in Social Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh, interfaced with the Scottish Government’s policy team to identify key areas of concern in the successful implementation of the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016. Lilian conducted primary and secondary research to produce two focused Evidence Summary Reports: Communication Outreach Strategies and Equalities Considerations […]