The ASP dataset has been revised to provide more robust data to inform improvement both at local and national level. Iriss worked with 5 ASP Learning Partners to review the previous ASP annual data return and develop a revised ASP minimum dataset. This has been approached in 2 phases, with Phase 1 indicators commenced in April 2023 largely mirroring indicators from the previous annual return. Phase 2 indicators were developed and tested by learning partners throughout 2023. The Phase 2 subset of the ASP minimum dataset was rolled out across all local authorities in April 2024.
In parallel, as part of the ASP joint inspection programme, inspection partners have recently produced an ASP Quality Improvement Framework (QIF). This can be used by partnerships to develop consistent approaches to audit and self-evaluation and can inform future ASP inspection activity. Work is commencing shortly within a cohort of partnerships to utilise the QIF as part of self-evaluation activity focused on early intervention and prevention.
The purpose of this proposed internship project is to draw the above two workstreams together by undertaking a review of relevant existent data and evidence, to identify factors that contribute to adults being most at risk; and to identify any gaps in our knowledge about risk factors/characteristics that can inform future ASP self-evaluation activity. The review will include existing evidence, such as national outcomes of inspection activity and intelligence shared across the ASP sector (identifying areas for improvement); the ASP minimum dataset (e.g. key client groups or areas of harm); and a review of national data, such as Public Health Scotland dashboards (including indicators where adults are more at risk, such as drug and alcohol). A report and/or presentation on the main findings will be shared with key stakeholders including the National ASP Data Reference Group; Iriss and its learning partners; Scottish Government cross policy public protection team; and the National ASP Implementation Group (tasked with supporting implementation of the ASP Code of Practice (2022).