This project provides an exciting opportunity to work in a cross-cutting and dynamic policy area. The purpose of this project is to consider how to translate this novel legislative requirement into the day to day working practice across the Scottish Government. The project will identify options for how to embed a process of collaborative and cross policy working in relation to food policy across the Scottish Government. The project will also consider how the effectiveness of this process can be measured.
This will require working with officials to identify the most efficient way of ensuring the need to have regard to the national Plan is understood and enacted upon, and that there is an audit trail of how this has been done. The work will need to consider how this information will be collected and stored so that it can be used as evidence, if needed, of how regard has been had. The project will also need to consider the development of metrics that can be used to assess the effectiveness of the process. It is envisaged that the project could involve e.g. conducting a literature / evidence review; identifying relevant case studies; qualitative data collection/analysis. However, the successful candidate will be invited to help shape the final design of the project.