Following the publication of results from the 21/22 PIE Census, the Benchmarking and Improving Evidence Team (BIET) within Educational Analytical Services are now looking to the future of this data collection and considering how we can improve the data quality, better meet user needs and increase impact. This project will play a vital role in this development as research is needed to:
• Look at what data is collected nationally and internationally in this space
• Identify and evaluate alternative data collection options, including resource/financial implications
• Review and refresh guidance, communications and other materials that is issued to schools, parents/carers and children alongside this survey
Although this would be the main focus of the project, the BIET team are responsible for a number of various analytical products and there is some flexibility in the tasks that you can get involved in depending on what your interests are and the experience you are looking to gain. You can expect to develop numerous skills as part of this project, including; research management, communication and writing, engagement and impact as well as experience of working within a high-profile portfolio area within Scottish Government with close links to policy colleagues, local authorities and Education Scotland.