Sector Analysis: Using data blending and dashboards to summarise economic performance

The internship will be hosted within the Scottish Government’s Office of the Chief Economic Adviser (OCEA), specifically in the Directorate for Chief Economist’s OCEA: Business Economic & Sector (BES) team. This team provides economic analysis support to DG Economy, working alongside policy advisers, statisticians, and researchers. The internship will involve providing analytical and data analysis support for the delivery of the Scottish Government’s National Innovation Strategy, with project details tailored to the intern’s skills and the team’s specific needs.

Developing analysis and presentation of results from the Scottish Health Survey

The internship is based in the Scottish Health Survey team within the Health & Social Care Analysis Division. The team is moving analysis of the survey from SAS to R and the project involves setting up programmes in R to analyse a wide range of the survey results, prepare tables and charts and output these in accessible formats. The candidate should have some experience of using R, though we do already have some code that can be adapted.

Transform intersectional statistics into meaningful data visualisations in Scottish Government’s Equality Evidence Finder Dashboard

The Equality Evidence Finder (EEF) is a data dashboard for equality evidence built on R Shiny. The Equality Analysis Team’s Statistician is currently undertaking a programme of redevelopment of the EEF to improve accessibility, usability, and automation. The intern taking on this role will take the lead on a specific element of this project which will involve developing the presentation of intersectional equality evidence on the dashboard, thereby improving user experience and filling data gaps. Therefore experience of coding in R packages ggplot2 and tidyverse are essential, while experience of coding in R shiny is desirable.