We are currently recruiting PhD interns for placements starting in Autumn 2023.
Placements can be three months (full-time) or six months (part-time). Each placement is paid at UKRI doctoral stipend levels. Please see our Current Opportunities page for full details on the placements available.
Why complete an internship in 2024?
- Completing a research project outside the academic environment gives a valuable insight to different kinds of research career and activity;
- Internships help to develop transferable skills and sector knowledge that will be crucial if you are considering non-academic careers;
- It provides an opportunity to step back from your PhD thesis and make a meaningful difference in a new context.
Former interns say…
“I feel everyone should experience doing research beyond academia. For me this opportunity, although it was challenging at times and really fast-paced, opened a new career pathway that I never thought I would have been interested in before.”
“It was an incredible experience. Completing the internship developed my CV and professional capacities both for academia and for a life outside it. It gave me an alternative avenue for career development, making me a much better rounded individual.”