Hi, I’m Diane, SGSSS’ new Manager. This means I lead the fantastic team who support the work of SGSSS. This includes varied things such as coordinating student competitions; organising events like the collaboration showcase, summer school and other training events; processing expenses; developing partnerships with industry and much more. The biggest challenge for me joining the team is to get my head around all the many great activities that go on within SGSSS. I’m really looking forward to working with the team to continue towards the vision of being a world-leader in Doctoral Training.
My background to date has been in Student Development and International Education. Most recently, I headed up the Student Development Team in the University of Edinburgh Business School, supporting taught postgraduate students to maximise their potential through a range of skills workshops, opportunities with industry and facilitated networking. I’m looking forward to seeing if any of the innovations or connections we introduced there could be relevant for SGSSS students. On the other hand, the postgraduate research space is new to me so learning all about that landscape is a new challenge.
It feels like a time when students finishing up really can feel like ‘the world is your oyster’, there are so many opportunities and exciting initiatives to get involved in, not always in what were seen as traditional career paths. However, having too many options can be equally challenging and in a world where you are told ‘you can do anything’, how do you actually decide what ‘anything’ is and then pursue it?
That’s my passion, supporting people to identify their strengths and maximise their potential, which is what attracted me to the role in SGSSS. Coupled to my professional experience, I have a strong personal interest in many aspects of wellbeing including massage, coaching, meditation and anything that gears you up to make the best out of your day.
In my spare time, I have a one year old who keep me on my toes. I try to keep myself healthy through running and meditation, although I don’t seem to manage to do either of them as often as I would like since becoming a parent!