SGSSS is thrilled to be partnering with a new Centre for Doctoral Training aimed at developing the next generation of experts in artificial social intelligence.
The UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Social Intelligent Artificial Agents (SOCIAL) brings together researchers from the University of Glasgow’s Schools of Computing Science and Psychology and the Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology. A total of 50 new PhDs will be trained at SOCIAL, led by Professor Alessandro Vinciarelli. Dr Monika Harvey, Reader in the School of Psychology at Glasgow and SGSSS Associate Director co-wrote the bid and facilitated the partnership with SGSSS.
Monika said: “We are now in the unique position of offering training that goes well beyond the knowledge of individual supervisors. From day 1 the students will be embedded in facilities, training courses and events that span multiple disciplines.
“They will learn from each other, engage with industry and feed this knowledge and expertise into other UK and international training centres. The ESRC funded Scottish Graduate School of Social Sciences (SGSSS), as well as SICSA (the Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance) are already partnering us in this venture, and we are thrilled about the mutual cohort training opportunities this will make possible.”
SOCIAL is one of 16 new Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) based at 14 UK universities which will share in £200m in new funding.